Percussion Studies
Blinn College District Percussion Studies strives to attain the highest possible performance standards while helping students experience a diverse array of percussive performance outlets. Students at Blinn have the opportunity to perform in drum line, steel band, percussion ensemble, jazz band, wind ensemble, and marching bands. All students, not just music majors, may receive private instruction that assists each student in attaining their individual artistic goals. Whether music is a future career or just a passion, there is an outlet for your musical talents. Former percussion music majors have been accepted into four-year institutions, including the University of Texas, Texas Tech University, Texas Christian University, Sam Houston State, Texas A&M-Commerce, Texas A&M-Kingsville, the University of Houston, Texas State University, and West Texas A&M.
Facilities and Instruments
Percussion Ensemble and Steel Drum Band
The Mothership Connection Drumline
Anyone interested in the percussion program should contact Dr. Sarah Burke at .
Facilities and Instruments
At Blinn College, we are pleased to have a new percussion studio built in Fall 2011. This room is housed in the latest addition to the music facility, and serves as the primary rehearsal area for percussion ensemble. Students have access to the new studio and the former studio, as well as numerous practice rooms and the two band rehearsal halls.
The program also has upgraded much of its equipment. For example, in Spring 2014, with the help and support of the Blinn College Foundation, Blinn was able to purchase three new 5.0 Octave Marimbas, pictured below, giving students ample instruments for practice and performance. Upgrades in other areas have also been made, helping to furnish an extremely impressive inventory of equipment.
Percussion Ensemble and Steel Drum Band
The Blinn College Percussion Ensemble is a concert ensemble that performs a variety of works ranging from modern percussion compositions, to world music, to transcriptions. This ensemble focuses on providing the percussionists a musical challenge while creating a rewarding concert outlet. BCPE typically performs one full-length feature concert in addition to several run-out concerts for area schools.
The Steel Drum Band meets during the Spring semester and is open to members of the Music Program through audition. This ensemble plays a variety of musical arrangements for pan. The ensemble is a “combo” style group with one on a part for each pan voicing. We also utilize a standard “engine room” (drum set, auxiliary percussion, handrums, etc.) in addition to an electric bass. We are proud to use a set of pans from Steel of the Night.
The Mothership Connection drumline consists of both music majors and non-majors striving to attain the highest possible standards in marching percussion. Each year, this group performs both as a section of the Blinn College marching band and as an exhibition solo group. The members of the Mothership Connection audition in the Spring for acceptance into the band program and then are placed into their various captions through auditions on the first day of summer drumline.
In Summer 2013, the entire drumline was outfitted with brand new Tama marching equipment (pictured below).
The Mothership Connection proudly uses Promark sticks and mallets exclusively. In addition, we march all Evans heads.
Auditions for percussion are by arrangement only. Please contact Dr. Sarah Burke to schedule an audition. Please prepare the following:
Snare Drum
- one concert etude (All-region music, Cirone, Peters, Goldenberg,etc.)
- If you feel rudimental playing is a strong point you may additionally prepare a rudimental solo of your choice.
- one 2 mallet solo or etude (All-region music, UIL solo, Goldenberg, etc.)
- OPTIONAL, but highly encouraged – one 4 mallet solo (UIL solo, etude - Ford, Davila, Zivkovic, etc.)
- OPTIONAL, but highly encouraged – one timpani selection (All-Region music, UIL solo, etude – Goodman, Peters, Carroll)
Sight reading
- You will be asked to sight read on both snare drum and mallet instruments.
For questions, concerns, or to schedule an audition please contact Dr. Sarah Burke at
For scholarship information and audition dates, contact:
Jill Stewart - Instrumental Music Coordinator (979-830-4262)
Dr. Sarah Burke – Director of Bands/Professor of Percussion (979) 830-4015
John Dujka – Piano Studies (979) 830-4249