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Emergency Preparedness

Management & Safety

Blinn College District Emergency Management will provide direction should an emergency situation arise, to students, employees, and visitors.

Blinn Alert is an emergency communications system that is used for contacting students, faculty, and staff. The system is used for emergencies, school closings, or other vital information. It is not used for routine communications.
Alerts can be sent by the following methods:

  • Phone
  • Text
  • Email
  • Campus Computers
  • College Website

Alerts will consist of a message explaining the situation and then the alert will ask for confirmation that the message was received. During the Fall and Spring semesters, a system-wide test will be conducted. This typically will occur within the first three weeks of class.

Students are automatically enrolled in the alert system, while faculty and staff must sign up. In either case it is imperative that the correct emergency contact information is given. For example, students should give their cell number versus their home number as a primary contact. If an alert is issued, and the student is on campus, they will not be immediately aware of the alert.

Students and employees should review all of their entries to make sure the contact information is correct. Mistyped phone or email addresses, will result in missing an alert. 

In case of an alert, please read or listen to the entire message.

Go here for instructions on how to use the Blinn Alert system.

If an emergency situation occurs that threatens or has the potential to threaten the safety of individuals on our campuses, a lockdown will be issued. A lockdown may be issued for an entire campus, a section of campus, or an individual building. If a lockdown is needed, a Blinn Alert notification will issued. This will give specific information regarding the lockdown.
If a lockdown occur, the following actions should be taken:

  • Immediately seek safe shelter
  • Remain calm
  • Lock doors and windows.
  • Cover windows, pull shades, close blinds, etc.
  • Stay away from doors and windows
  • Do not leave your area unless instructed to do so by a Blinn Alert, emergency personnel, or an identified public servant.


There are situations where remaining outdoors is not safe. Some of these are: severe weather, hazardous material events, or emergency situations. A shelter in place may be issued for an entire campus or a section of a campus. If a shelter in place is needed, a Blinn Alert notification will be issued, giving specific information. A shelter in place is not a lockdown.

If a shelter in place is issued, the following actions should be taken:

  •  Seek safe shelter – dugouts, awnings, trees, golf carts, etc. are not safe shelter
  • Close all exterior doors and windows
  • Stay away from exterior doors
  • If needed, air systems will be turned off
  • Stay inside until you are direct by officials that conditions are safe


There are some situations where a building may need to be evacuated. No matter the cause, please remain calm and do the following:

  • Have an exit strategy
    • Know where all exits are located
    • Proceed to the nearest safe exit or
    • Proceed to the indicated exit
  • Do not leave until told to do so
  • Do not run
  • Help those who may need assistance
  • Report to the designated assembly point and wait for further instructions
  • Use the stairs. Do not use elevators unless you are told by emergency personnel that it is permissible.


The safety and well-being of all students, employees, and guests are a priority. Anytime anyone sees something that is out of place or suspicious, they are encouraged to report it immediately. Likewise, if anyone sees suspicious activity, they should report it immediately. There are several means of reporting and include:

  • 911 for all emergency situations
  • Campus Police
    • Brenham – 979-277-7373 (7373 from any campus phone)
    • Bryan – 979-277-7373 (7373 from any campus phone)
    • Visit the Police Department Office (Student Center on both Bryan and Brenham campuses)
  • Emergency Management and Safety  (979-830-4391)
  • Any College District employee 

Bomb threats may come in different forms. They can be called in, text, email, notes, etc. If you see a suspicious item or package, do not touch it. Do not use a mobile phone in the immediate area and warn others to stay away. Immediately notify emergency officials by calling 911 or the Blinn police.
If you receive a threat via phone, try to obtain the following:

  • Where is the bomb and when will it go off?
  • What does it look like?
  • Try to keep the caller talking and on the line. Officials may be able to trace the call.
  • Pay attention to voice, accents, and background noises.
  • Follow instructions of emergency personnel.
  • Evacuate only if and when directed to do so by emergency personnel.
  • If an evacuation is needed, go directly to the designated assembly point and await further instructions.

This Emergency Response Plan (ERP), and contents within, provide guidance for how the Blinn College District conducts various emergency responses specific to all District campuses and facilities. The ERP is written in support of, and as an addendum to, the Washington County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), sometimes referred to as an Emergency Management Plan, Annex “G,” Law Enforcement, and shall be considered an “interactive support document” to that EOP. For Blinn College District campuses and facilities in Brazos County, Fayette County, and Austin County – the ERP will serve as the primary response plan for all critical incidents having significant impact on District operations.

Emergency Response Plan (ERP)

Are You Ready? produced by Ready Houston
An overview of how residents of the Houston Region can make themselves ready for disasters. (English with subtitles and American Sign Language)

Surviving an Active Shooter Event produced by Ready Houston

Make the Call- Employee Version produced by Ready Houston
English with subtitles and American Sign Language

Together Against the Weather produced by Ready Houston
English with subtitles and American Sign Language

CPR and AED produced by Sarver Heart Center, University of Arizona
Select videos on "Learn Chest-Compression-Only CPR" and "How to Use an AED"