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Engineering Courses

All courses required to complete Blinn’s Associate of Science in Engineering degree are available on the RELLIS and Brenham campuses.

An introduction to the engineering profession with emphasis on technical communication and team-based engineering design. Prerequisite(s): A grade of “C” or better in MATH 1316, or MATH 1414 or higher; or an appropriate score on an approved placement test, or co-enrollment in MATH 1414. Lab Fee: $24.00

Introduction to computer-aided drafting using CAD software and sketching to generate two- and three-dimensional drawings based on the conventions of engineering graphical communication; topics include spatial relationships, multi-view projections and sectioning, dimensioning, graphical presentation of data, and fundamentals of computer graphics. Course Fee: $30.00

Basic theory of engineering mechanics, using calculus, involving the description of forces, moments, and couples acting on stationary engineering structures; equilibrium in two and three dimensions; free-body diagrams; friction; centroids; centers of gravity; and moments of inertia. Prerequisite(s): PHYS 2325 (lecture) and PHYS 2125 (lab) with a grade of “C” or better and concurrent enrollment in or previous completion of MATH 2414 Calculus II.

Basic theory of engineering mechanics, using calculus, involving the motion of particles, rigid bodies, and systems of particles; Newton’s Laws; work and energy relationships; principles of impulse and momentum; application of kinetics and kinematics to the solution of engineering problems. Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2301.

Programming principles and techniques for matrix and array operations, equation solving, and numeric simulations applied to engineering problems and visualization of engineering information; platforms include spreadsheets, symbolic algebra packages, engineering analysis software, and laboratory control software. Course Fee: $8.00

Methods used for determining the comparative financial desirability of engineering alternatives. Provides the student with the basic tools required to analyze engineering alternatives in terms of their worth and cost, an essential element of engineering practice. The student is introduced to the concept of the time value of money and the methodology of basic engineering economy techniques. The course will address some aspects of sustainability and will provide the student with the background to enable them to pass the Engineering Economy portion of the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. Prerequisite(s): MATH 2413 Calculus I with a grade of C or better.

Stresses, deformations, stress-strain relationships, torsions, beams, shafts, columns, elastic deflections in beams, combined loading, and combined stresses.  Prerequisite(s): ENGR 2301 - Engineering Mechanics-Statics.

This course is the foundation for nearly all future chemical engineering courses and analysis. A strong foundation in mathematics, physics, and chemistry is required for application to the solution of problems in industrial chemistry. Students will receive an introduction to chemical engineering calculations, unit equations, process stoichiometry, material and energy balances, and states of matter, and will apply the laws of conservation of mass and energy to reacting and non-reacting, simple and complex chemical systems. Prerequisite(s): CHEM 1412 or CHEM 1409, ENGR 1201, MATH 2414, and PHYS 2325 (lecture), and PHYS 2125 (lab).

Fundamental concepts of energy and thermodynamics (e.g., temperature, thermodynamic equilibrium, and heat) will be introduced; the course emphasizes techniques in the application of the fundamentals of thermodynamics to various processes as they frequently occur in chemical and bimolecular engineering. Provides the basic skills and tools necessary in designing and analyzing real-life engineering systems. Serves as preparation for other advanced courses in thermodynamics, energy conversion, heat transfer, etc. Prerequisite(s): MATH 2415 Calculus III.

Principles of electrical circuits and systems. Basic circuit elements (resistance, inductance, mutual inductance, capacitance, independent and dependent controlled voltage, and current sources). Topology of electrical networks; Kirchhoff’s laws; node and mesh analysis; DC circuit analysis; operational amplifiers; transient and sinusoidal steady-state analysis; AC circuit analysis; first-and second-order circuits; Bode plots; and use of computer simulation software to solve circuit problems.  Prerequisite(s): MATH 2414 Calculus II, PHYS 2426 University Physics II (lecture+ lab) or PHYS 2326 + 2126 University Physics II (lecture + lab)  Corequisite(s): MATH 2320 Differential Equations.

Introduction to theory and design of digital logic, circuits, and systems. Number systems, operations and codes; logic gates; Boolean Algebra and logic simplification; Karnaugh maps; combinational logic; functions of combinational Logic; flip-flops and related devices; counters; shift registers; sequential logic; memory and storage. Basic laboratory experiments supporting theoretical principles involving design, construction, and analysis of combinational and sequential digital circuits and systems, including logic gates, adders, multiplexers, encoders, decoders, arithmetic logic units, latches, flip-flops, registers, and counters; preparation of laboratory reports. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1314 or MATH 1414 with a grade of “”C”” or better; or an appropriate score on an approved placement test.


  • Blinn College Engineering
  • Phone: 979-830-4777