The Learning Center provides comprehensive tutoring services for all Blinn students across all campuses. Our services cater to a myriad of subjects, such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, accounting, economics, anatomy, physiology, etc.
Tutoring Defined
A tutor is not just someone who re-teaches, but someone who can help guide the student through course material. When students face challenges or questions, our tutors steer them through, helping them build tactics to become more effective learners. For better sessions, the students should review the material and attempt the problem independently before seeking help.
Preparation for Tutoring
Students should come equipped with their course textbooks, class notes, and any other pertinent resources. Being well-prepared and having a positive mindset amplifies the benefits of each tutoring session.
Types of Tutoring Available
- Walk-in Tutoring: No appointments required. Ensure you check the Tutoring Schedule for subject and tutor availability. Please note that face-to-face tutoring is not available during Minimesters.
- Online Tutoring: Engage with our tutors virtually! Schedule your sessions through the Blinn Upswing portal.
- Specialized Tutoring Options:
- One-on-one sessions
- Small group sessions
- Computer tutorials
- Pre-exam reviews
- Workshops (both general interest and course-specific)