Receiving Texas A&M Financial Aid
Many co-enrolled students receive scholarships and/or financial aid. The Texas A&M Scholarship and Financial Aid Office disburses financial aid and scholarship monies to eligible students based on the classes they are enrolled in at both institutions. While the Blinn payment deadline usually occurs prior to financial aid having been disbursed by Texas A&M, Blinn and Texas A&M have worked to accommodate their co-enrolled students.
Once a student has completed the process of accepting their aid at Texas A&M, Blinn will place a TAMU Fin Aid-Payment Extension on their account to keep classes from being dropped for nonpayment. This will allow for Texas A&M to process and disburse aid. Students will have until 11:59 p.m. of the posted deadline to make payments to Blinn. Refer to the Blinn Academic Calendar for the "TAMU Students Receiving Financial Aid Payment Due" deadline.
Students can check this hold by viewing their holds via myBLINN by selecting Personal Information -> Student -> Student Records -> View Holds. It is recommended that students ensure that this hold has been placed prior to the payment deadline for Blinn. If Blinn has not received word that the student’s aid has been processed by Texas A&M, the student will need to follow up with Texas A&M to ensure that all requirements have been met. If the hold is not in place prior to Blinn's nonpayment drop deadline, then the student’s classes are subject to be dropped for nonpayment.
Please note that if we receive notification from Texas A&M that the student is no longer receiving aid, we will remove the hold and students will have seven days to make payment to Blinn. We will send an email of notification to the student’s Blinn and personal addresses.
Students will need to set up direct deposit for their refunds to ensure they receive the refund monies by Blinn's payment deadline.
Note: Texas A&M University does not send money to Blinn. Students are responsible for ensuring that payment is made by the posted deadlines.