Student Success
Strategic Initiative 1.1: Quality Enhancement Plan
- QEP Goals
- Increase completion of developmental/college ready coursework
- Improve persistence of developmental education enrolled students
- Demonstrate improved college-readiness skills that persist beyond developmental coursework
- QEP Interventions
- Guided advising for enrollment in developmental course sequencing
- Tutoring and writing center services for literacy and quantitative skill building
- Online support modules for literacy and course success
- Additional faculty development on literacy skills across the curriculum
- Faculty development for training underprepared students for core curriculum skills
Strategic Initiative 1.2: State Funding Model Alignment
Align Blinn College’s student success goals with the outcomes-based funding model developed by the State of Texas under House Bill 8.
- Focus student success goals on the three outcomes-based funding metrics created by House Bill 8.
- Credential of value attainment
- Successful transfer to public 4-year university, or completion of structured co-enrollment program (Blinn-TEAM)
- Completion of 15 semester credit hours of dual credit
Strategic Initiative 1.3: Increase Awareness of Graduation Pathways
Increase awareness of graduation pathways throughout the entire College District community, including:
- Traditional graduation
- Lost Graduates program
- Prior Blinn students with sufficient credit to earn credential but have not applied for completion
- Reverse transfer program
- Prior Blinn students earning sufficient credits at a different institution to earn a credential at Blinn