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Outside Scholarships

Outside scholarships are those in which the donor specifies the person who will receive the funding. The donor may be someone the student knows, such as the student's employer or their church, or the scholarship may be funded through a separate private program.

For Donors Sending Funds to Blinn College on Behalf of a Student

Online Payment

We strongly encourage donors to submit scholarship funds using the college’s electronic check payment process. This allows scholarships to be sent using a swift, safe, and secure online payment system. Access our Donor Payment Form Quick Guide for instructions on using this method.

Standard Mail

Scholarship sent via standard mail can take 4-to-6 weeks to be received and processed. Donors choosing to mail a paper check should send it to:

Attention: Scholarship Advisor
Financial Aid Office
Blinn College
902 College Avenue
Brenham, Texas 77833

Checks for outside scholarships should NOT be sent to the Blinn Business Office.

The donor must include:

  • recipient name
  • recipient ID and/or last four digits of the student's SSN
  • which semesters the scholarship is meant to cover

For Students Sending in a Scholarship Check to Blinn College

Students should send paper checks to:

Attention: Scholarship Advisor
Financial Aid Office
Blinn College
902 College Avenue
Brenham, Texas 77833

Alternately, students can hand-deliver checks to the Financial Aid Office at either the Administration Building in Brenham or the Tejas Center in Bryan.

  • Blinn will evenly split outside scholarship funds for $1,000 or above between the fall and spring semesters unless other clear direction is provided with the check.
  • Students will receive an email confirmation from the day after their scholarship funds are received and processed.

Please contact the Blinn Financial Aid Office at with any additional questions concerning outside scholarship funds.