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The Writing Center welcomes tutoring with students who are looking for extra assistance with their writing skills. We welcome walk-ins (on a first-come, first-served basis), and we also take appointments. Please be aware of the following guidelines and restrictions:

  • Information from a tutoring session may be used for research and will be available to instructors
  • Unless you notify The Writing Center in advance, a tutoring appointment may be forfeited if you are more than 5 minutes late.
  • Instructors' grading policies and paper grades are not discussed in The Writing Center.
  • You, the student, will be asked to establish the direction and content of each tutoring session.
  • Writing Center tutors do not edit or correct students’ papers. Instead, tutors focus on issues such as structure, thesis, organization, and content. If a tutor identifies repetitive grammatical mistakes, such as fragments, run-ons, or comma usage, then the tutor will work with the student in order to help the student understand and learn how to correct such mistakes. Tutors can also advise on such matters as finding a topic, narrowing a topic, getting started, research methods, citations, and proper formatting.
  • Essay tutoring may require that the students read their papers quietly to the tutor or have their papers read to them by the tutor.

Brenham Campus

Location: Academic Bldg. Rm 9
Phone: 979-830-4699

Bryan Campus

Location: Building A, Rm 118
Phone: 979-209-7591